Quote Originally Posted by Monty92 View Post
Honestly, I had dinner with two blokes last week who insisted that Islamic terrorists were simply psychopathic criminals, no different to any other murderous types.

Presumably he's never read the note left by Michael Adebolajo after butchering Lee Rigby (to pick just one of literally thousands of equivalent examples)

"To my beloved children, know that to fight Allah’s enemies is an obligation the proofs of which are so numerous that but a handful of any of them cuts out the bewitching tongues of the munafiqeen.
Do not spend your days in endless dispute with the cowardly and foolish if it means that it will delay you meeting Allah’s enemies on the battlefield. Sometimes the cowardly and foolish could be the dearest to you, so be prepared to turn away from them.
When you set out on this path, do not look left or right.
Seek shahada, oh my sons, so that we might be raised together and if it’s Allah’s decree that you are not to be in the hearts of the green birds, then be ready for a [deleted] to enter the university of Yousef. Sijn. Be patient there and be firm there and inshallah you will meet your Lord with Him pleased with you. Verily, Allah is with those who are patient.
If I live beyond this day and you find me talking other than this, then know that perhaps Allah has left me to stray.
May Allah guide your nation to the truth. Ameen."
Right, but a bloke off his tits is going to spout some nonsense isn't he. Just happens he chose that mob.

There has to be something wrong with you if you believe that old cobblers and prepared to kill for it.

Nutters, the lot of them.