Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
Oh, no. It's not that sort of class we're talking about anymore. The self-appointed aristocracy of which I speak is controlled by a tiny metropolitan-based media/pop cultural Brahmin caste who effectively see themselves as being the arbiters of all that is or isn't acceptable. Their hangers-on and lickspittles are usually those of similar outlook and location, but lesser status, who seek reflected glory by mindlessly parroting their views and retweeting their tweets. These people have created an echo chamber that is extremely loud, but actually rather shallow, which is why they keep getting surprised when the electorate hands them their arses.
You know, this sounds very much like it was birthed amidst the 80s London fashion, media and club scene. I don't know if you were there but the Face magazine and the New Musical Express, Ronnie Scott's, Heaven-under-the-Arches and the Wag club and illegal "warehouse" parties. WOMAD. Steve Strange and the Westwood siblings, Vivienne & Timothy. Soho and Camden. Richard Branson creating a budget airline to send London's surplus trendies to New York from where they could return even more insufferably trendy.

Basically the likes of Julie Burchill and Tony Parsons have finally taken over everything