Also, I would venture to suggest that WES would be entertained by watching chimps fling faeces. That does not ennoble the spectacle, however.
Lots of people are enjoy going to the theatre and are entertained Clearly, wes is no arbiter of ojective quality in any matter, but I simply don't believe one can apply objective standards to a piece of entertainment.
Lots of people are enjoy going to the theatre and are entertained Clearly, wes is no arbiter of ojective quality in any matter, but I simply don't believe one can apply objective standards to a piece of entertainment.
Except George Graham's 92-94 cup teams, of course.
Lots of people are enjoy going to the theatre and are entertained Clearly, wes is no arbiter of ojective quality in any matter, but I simply don't believe one can apply objective standards to a piece of entertainment.
We're not having this argument again. Clearly, Tolstoy is objectively better than Jackie Collins.
Also, I am prepared to bet that WES was largely there for the goatsex.