Quote Originally Posted by World's End Stella View Post
Well, that's the Irish for you. All the sophistication of a pack of pork scratchings being consumed by someone in Adidas trainers swilling a pint of Super Bock (yes, I was envisioning you as I typed this).

Rose, particularly that from the Provence, is a wonderful summertime drink. Light, refreshing, tasty and very enjoyable.

And more than enough alcohol to make a chap forget the hell that is life in the 21st century. Oh yes.
You stalked me on the Algarve you half American pervert!!!

Not for me the whole Rosé thing but I am known for being open minded so each to their own. Modern Ireland and all that nonsense.

See our Taoiseach (PM) was over your neck of the woods yesterday. A poof you know.