Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
instructs its followers on ~109 occasions to 'kill the infidels wherever you find them' or words to that effect? I read this somewhere recently and it sounds like a very high number, and was wondering if it has been made up by malicious people trying to cast aspersions on a religion of peace.

I ask if anyone knows about this because I don't really want to start typing "death to infidels" into a search engine.
This is the point at which Muslim scholars point out that this was said in the context of a war against those who sought to stop Islam. Of course, that is precisely the war that ISIS claim is constantly ongoing, since any and all unbelievers are an offence to Allah and his followers.

Given he's a supreme being and all and given that the Koran is his word as dictated to Mohammed, you'd have thought Allah could have made himself a bit clearer, really.