Quote Originally Posted by Peter View Post
Ah, but salesmen don't judge, do they. The fact is that some people will fall for their bull**** and its their job to believe that you might be one of them. A good salesman convinces himself and you. He isn't stupid.....

As much as I want to hate people, I don't. Through work I have discovered that I am actually far better than most as establishing relationships with them and getting them onside. I reserve the right to despise them personally, and myself.
I think the problem with salesmen is that they think (yes, I know it is their job) that I am stupid enough to believe their bollix, so am forced in return to think that they are stupid to think that I am that stupid.

Of course, Monty could be right and that deep down I do generally think people are stupid, but a strongly-developed layer of morality disapproves of such sneering, arrogant condescenion by covering it up with a fog of warm respect. I doubt it, though. i don't think I'm clever enough to do that.