Quote Originally Posted by redgunamo View Post
We've mostly been extremely supportive of Wenger, haven't we, despite His unusual methods.
I think Arsenal supporters have been extremely supportive of the old man and correctly so given the success he brought to the club in his first decade.

What has come to pass now is simply an opportunity for a natural parting of the ways, a time when I think most observers, internal to the club in respect of supporters and sympathetic media and external to the club in respect of general media, seem to think the time is right for Wenger to move on – however he himself appears about to dig his heels in and stay.

Supporters are frustrated at what they see as a lack of progress, indeed many will point to what they see as a decline though perhaps a little early to judge that one, an annual failure to address the same problems within the playing side of the club for which he takes 100% of the blame.