Quote Originally Posted by Herbette Chapman - aged 15 View Post
In what sense were the IRA beaten?
They were riddled with informers to the highest levels of the Army Council. Equally, electronic surveillance had come on in leaps and bounds, so British security forces knew about most of their operations before they happened. They were reduced to attacking soft targets in NI and the British mainland involving either rogue units (like the Real IRA) or cells who weren't reporting directly up the chain of command. Problem with that was that it led to appalling publicity from catastrophic events like Omagh, which lost them funding from American dipshîts. Once 9/11 happened, of course, the game was up completely, since their funding simply stopped overnight and they were rendered pretty much impotent.

That, of course, is the thing: it would be basically impossible for the IRA to resume a sustained campaign of violence now even if it wanted to. It hasn't got the money, it no longer has the arms and it hasn't got the personnel.