Quote Originally Posted by Pat Vegas View Post
This is what has happened here.

One second I am trying to find 200 hotel rooms for a TV show.
Then it's hello Pat Vegas don't sit down as you arrive. come in the meeting room and discuss topic you've never heard of to a bunch of rich folks in suits about improving technology. of course millennials were mentioned.

I'm not even dressed for it. I'm in my 501's and a pair of trainers,

I had to come up with a rubbish analogy. 'Yes look at the taxi industry, they had to change with the likes of Uber' 'it is happening in our industry too'

They actually seemed to love this.
Had worse last week. My boss got stuck on a train and was due to interview an applicant for a job here. My other colleague dragged me in just for show really. Got to the bit when we asked do you have any questions and the bloke aimed one at me. Absolutely froze as my brain wasn't really there. Quite embarrassing