Quote Originally Posted by ArseMart - Enjoy every sandwich View Post
Fun times. But maybe that's the problem. We had that conversation 5 years ago and we're still having it now. Maybe B is right and there's not much to talk about with Arsenal at the moment. Same old **** going on and you're either OK with it or you're not. Nobody's changing horses at this stage in the race.

Maybe that's the best argument for a new manager. At least we'd have some new **** to moan about and/or defend.

I agree with Mo that maybe taking Arsenal related threads off at a tangent might discourage new posters. That's where the tree view was good as you could just concentrate on the bit you were interested in.

I also agree with Berni that this was always a full on forum. It pushed the boundaries but we're all adults so you should be able to deal with that without shouting "I'm being bullied online". If you think that then frankly you need to get a grip.

Finally I can't access the site at work anymore. :sadface:
But apart from all that, family good?