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Thread: Project Fudge. Gove and Fox challenging Boris.

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Sir C View Post
    Our leaders may be undemocratic, authroitarian and unaccountable, but they're our leaders, at least.
    Some of them are clearly undemocratic, top of the list being about-to-be-confirmed war criminal Tony Blair who wishes to overturn the result of this referendum, as if it was merely a glorified opinion poll, but they're not entirely unnacountable.

    Though I believe LA may have been referring to the newspaper owners. But ironically, for all the contempt for Murdoch, isn't The Times probably the most neutral newspaper we have? If so, it's a shame more people can't read it, really. Perhaps it should add boobies.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
    Some of them are clearly undemocratic, top of the list being about-to-be-confirmed war criminal Tony Blair who wishes to overturn the result of this referendum, as if it was merely a glorified opinion poll, but they're not entirely unnacountable.

    Though I believe LA may have been referring to the newspaper owners. But ironically, for all the contempt for Murdoch, isn't The Times probably the most neutral newspaper we have? If so, it's a shame more people can't read it, really. Perhaps it should add boobies.
    Tony 'Of course you can have a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty' Blair, undemocratic? Surely not?

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
    Some of them are clearly undemocratic, top of the list being about-to-be-confirmed war criminal Tony Blair who wishes to overturn the result of this referendum, as if it was merely a glorified opinion poll, but they're not entirely unnacountable.

    Though I believe LA may have been referring to the newspaper owners. But ironically, for all the contempt for Murdoch, isn't The Times probably the most neutral newspaper we have? If so, it's a shame more people can't read it, really. Perhaps it should add boobies.
    I was indeed - and yes you are right. The Times is more even-handed than most and is actually a very good read on events at the moment. I was actually surprised when it came out for remain, but I suspect* it is the fact that it doesn't have more readers that means it has more of a free-hand in this issue and others.

    * know

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
    Yes, which is why remaining in the single market is the desirable route. However, as the free movement of goods, services, capital and labour requires standard rules defining what constitutes those things there is the matter of having to accept those rules, thus still being subject to EU law to an extent. Hopefully that won't be a problem.

    One of the liberating things of being out of the EU should be the ability to not be subject to EU's racist policies against brown people, so that we can attract more talent from India and Africa.
    Of course, the Germans learned their lesson over their "re-unification". Or, anyway, they should have.
    "Plenty of strikers can score goals," he said, gesturing to the famous old stands casting shadows around us.

    "But a lot have found it difficult wearing the number 9 shirt for The Arsenal."

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