Quote Originally Posted by Dr Headgear - Wannabe viking View Post
Well typically I'd be more likely to go for something like this:

[/noodly stuff]
Does it get better when you know it well? Anticipating the path of the solos is crucial, I imagine, when there are about nine of them, and all, to the untutored ear, on pretty random notes not really affiliated with any of the nice keys.

I'm not saying you should never play off the nice notes, but I prefer it done in passing, and on the way to the harmomic stuff rather than a destiny itself. I heard it said once that the Beatles resurrected proper classical music, with an adherence to the mathematical laws that make western music harmonic, which had been abandoned by 20th century classical and jazz's experimentalism. I like the nice notes, you see. Played in a line, as melody, on together, as harmony.

Now, some more of what I like that can be considered in the jazz camp.