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Thread: I wonder why some streets attract a definite article?

  1. #11

    It was marginally better before you edited.

  2. #12

    I'm not sure they're bothered about Gambia or Ukraine tbh

    I do know Ukrainians f**king hate it though

  3. #13

    The Mall?

  4. #14

    Nod If you ever need a rapid update on traffic moving westbound towards Henley's Corner.

    I'm your man.

  5. #15

    Yeah but isn't The Mall actually called The Mall though?

    The strand, however, is just Strand and has the the affixed

  6. #16

    In the case of Ukraine, the "the" is as you might expect a legacy of the

    Soviet days when it was titled as the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic - shortened to the Ukraine. The Ukrainian government actually formally requested that the "the" was no longer used in the early 90s. Mind you they probably formally requested that Russia stop trying to invade them so who takes notice of him.

    Another weird one is our insistence on saying the Czech Republic when the people there just refer to it as Czech (well Ceska, obviously, now with accents removed)

  7. #17

  8. #18

    Wait, is the rest of this post behind a paywall?

  9. #19

  10. #20

    Jealousy is so ugly

    though on you it makes little difference.

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