Quote Originally Posted by Arsenal Alcoholic Review View Post
My old man works maintaining bedsits for a chap (he has 120) and this sort of thing came up quite often. One muslim chap banged his head off the floor and died but it was a few weeks before forensics got at him. So they did their thing and sealed off the room. My old man had to get the room ready for another guest a week after that. Turned out forensics left a heap of his guts just laying on the floor. So you can imagine how much flies and maggots were about the room.... My Da just had to shovel up what was left off him and chuck it in the bin.

The chap's brother was staying in another one of the bedsits. Colourful family. He got arrested for being in ISIS and sent down. When cleaning out his room it was just filled with pictures of said chap in the ISIS garb holding AK47's
Oh, dear. I hope this chap is wise enough to put lino down rather than carpeting?