Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
It's going to be Boris. The sheer ferocity with which the Remain establishment is attacking him tells you that for anyone who actually wants to Leave the EU, there is no alternative. The fact they'd prefer Hunt tells you he's the enemy.

It's also amusing watching the attempted smear job regarding this domestic backfiring on them and their utter bemusement at the fact that it's not damaging him.
It was interesting to me that his next door neighbour happened to have a device capable of recording sounds remarkably clearly through a wall, as well as the number of a Guardian journalist to hand. It's almost as if they've been anticipating raking up some muck.

On the other hand, Boris doesn't help himself, does he? If anyone can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, it's Boris.

He is also clearly a mendacious, immoral megalomaniacal halfwit. Not that any of that should influence whether his is PM, of course; but it is something to ponder the next time he does his amiable buffoon schtick.