So at work a group of about three wimmin' heard me telling my work wife lady that we, males, were appoximately 50% stronger than females.

One of the wimmin', a burly and very athletic germanic type (quite a jolly and pleasant character btw) scoffed and said she bet she was as strong as me. I offered her an arm wrestle there and then and she accepted.

Before we commenced I explained to everyone who'd started gatheringing around to see the old man humiliated, that not only would I win easily but when I decided to put her arm over she would have practically zero physical resistance to offer.

I toyed for a few seconds before emphatically finishing her off and she was absolutely mortified at how much stronger than her I was, as were the other women.

I quickly established that none of them had ever entered into any kind of test of strength with a man and they had basically fallen for being continually told they were as strong as us.