Quote Originally Posted by Maravilloso Marvo View Post
So Mrs Marve has been a long time follower on Facebook of a chap who shares all sorts of cooking recipes and stuff. His name is Nikos something or other and he has apparently got a small cult following on there. Anyway, Mrs Marve fell in love with this halloumi and mint bread thing this chap had posted and proceeded to bake it at the weekend. Seems like there is some kind of Greek/Cypriot influence in this chap and his food, certainly not a recipe I would dream up.

Anyway, the finished result was okay. More edible when warm as with halloumi it goes a bit rubbery when cold. I had a bit and then the rest unfortunately fell in the bin when nobody was looking.

I wait excitedly to see what we will be having next weekend.
Any recipes for well cooked lamb?