Quote Originally Posted by Sir C View Post
Oh I quite agree, such behaviour is quite beyond the pale. The fact that the pair of absolute ****s in question were just reaping what they have sown makes it funny, that's all.
The hypocrisy is rampant. It takes five minutes to find footage of:
* Farage being called scum and Nazi and being forced to hide in a pub as a mob attacks him
* Rees-Mogg being abused in front of his children at his family home (indeed the perpetrator even spoke directly to his children).
* Johnson being mobbed and abused outside his family home the morning after the referendum

There were no calls to protect them as a result of these incidents. In addition, of course, Remain filth have been lolling it up at pictures of Farage surviving a plane crash for years now. But that’s fair game, apparently.