Quote Originally Posted by Paul Vaessen's moment of glory View Post
...and say hello to all you absolute *******s! I do hope you've all been well and twinned with good health, the rest takes care of itself. I'm glad awimb is still here and I'm sure we all agree that the Arsenal have been reinvigorated in a most satisfying manner. It's all so exciting again. I'll come back on here now and again, because I miss reading about people's lunches and being defined as a cretin
Meanwhile, this is the latest thing I've been doing as an artist (since that IS what I actually do), have a look if you're interested and feel free to be thrilled, put off or indifferent! I did miss you, regards and much respect, N

Les Animaux Sauvages (band) new video single (andrew weatherall approved):
welcome back PV.

That song is not too bad, tbf

Is that an Arturia Microbrute your colleague is playing there?