Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
Ah, England will be there from October. You can pop along and enjoy some proper culture.

You should go to this stadium, B. I really wanna go. I haven't been back there since it's been built.

And once you've watched cricket in the Himalayan town with the Dalai Lama's govt in exile, you'll probably realise the error of your ways, drop your Tory materialism, shave your head, wear orange and go round with a begging bowl as you commune with the Divine.

Though you could then go to Manali or the Parvati Valley on the other sides of the state and do it the Hindu way instead. Dreadlocks, not skinhead. Saffron not orange. And smoke chillums non-stop so you get to the higher spiritual planes without as much of the hard work.

Chillum make me Shiva and all that.