See here, you cantankerous old f@rt. Pre season friendliest are, as you suggest, largely irrelevant. What’s less irrelevant is the concept that players only reserve their very bestest skills for games that actually matter.
Finishing is finishing, whether on the training pitch or anywhere else.
Are you suggesting that Young smith rowes splendid goal is less impressive due to it being a pre season friendly ? No, of course not. The boy stretched every sinue and ounce of skill to deliver that sublime finish.
Now if Mr Balls was complaining about the result, that’s one thing, but if he were offering a critique to Lacazzettes technique or finishing prowess, he should be allowed to express his view.
FTR, I, probably like most, are reserving judgement on the bloke. What I will say so far is that he’s a bit more Freddie Kanoute than Thierry Henry but I’m optimistic he can work well with Aubie, who anyone can see is a class act.