Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
Capital H for Her, b?

And you banging on all the time about the Glorious Rev heroically ending all that divine right nonsense.*

Yet now you capitalise her pronoun as if she was the Good Lord Almighty** Him/Herself.

Were you just confusing the royal 'we' or do you genuinely believe that an accident of birth makes HMQ/HMK as important as the infinite, eternal, omnipotent hyper-intelligence of Pure Love which you probably don't really believe in anyway?***

*Which I do agree with you with, btw. I'm a long C18th fanatic since doing it for a-level. Glorious Rev was one of the greatest events in our history.

**Parmatma ek hai, as we say in in India. All God is One.

***Actually, I have no idea about your spiritual beliefs. Apologies for making assumptions. I would have seen you as a CofE type of chap, but I can't see you sharing a religion with all those lefty bishops. The Vedic path is always open to you, B. You can prove anything with Hinduism. You could murder all the Corbynistas and basically say the Bhagavad Gita told you to if you honestly believe they are the baddies who must be thwarted, for example.

I just embraced it cos Shiva believes in getting off His head all the time to obtain enlightenment. He went on a 13,000 year bender to get Parvati her ear jewel (Manikaran) back. Says so in big letters on the temple there.
She is Queen by Grace of God (as any hereditary monarch must claim to be - otherwise what possible justification can there be?), but that does not afford Her divine rights.

And I am a Catholic atheist who believes that Europe's rise is written in the terms of Christianity and Monarchy, but Europe's decay in the terms of Republicanism, Progressivism and Godlessness.