Quote Originally Posted by 7sisters View Post
We just happened to call a referendum on it, at the height of immigration sensitivity and Huzzah.

Perhaps a bit naïve but wouldn't it have made so much more sense if the EU member states had sat down and agreed a measured immigration policy between themselves the moment they all decided to open their borders to East Europe membership ?

Long term, by which I mean a couple of hundred years and it'll all be some economic unified land mass anyway. In the meantime, insensitivity towards those communities who have been disfigured by mass, overnight immigration was never really going to work out well, was it ?

I read the other day that Polish immigration was running at almost 1 million. 1 million FFS
Well most countries took the option of staggering immigration from the new members from Eastern Europe. Blair and his ilk wanted to show what good chaps they were by opening the floodgates completely. They banked on around 13,000 turning up. To date, 1.4 million have rocked up.

And that's before we get on to the even bigger rise in non-EU immigration...

But of course these huge numbers have no effect on things like housing, the NHS, schools or the welfare budget. No way. And if you say they do, you're a racist.