Quote Originally Posted by WES View Post
That's not really what I meant. Links golf often relies on the weather to make the course challenging and often that can make it unplayable. It snowed in the British Open (yes, the British Open) a few years back. Some time before that Tiger Woods played in a gale and shot over par, can't remember the course. The British media were saying things like 'you won't find the perfect conditions of Augusta over here Mr Woods' in their typical establishment snobbish way. The next day the winds died down and Woods broke the course record.

Anyway, the point is that putting a course next to the sea in northern Scotland probably isn't the brightest idea if you want to remove as much of the luck element as possible yet somehow that is sensible while the pin positions and speed of the greens at Shinnecock was an outrage.

But like you, I really enjoyed it. The best shots still win and watching the pros look more like the amateurs was refreshingly nice.
The Open, WES, The