Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
Haven't the Tutsis forced the Hutus to speak English, play cricket and join the Commonwealth by way of revenge or am I getting mixed up with somewhere else?

But if the natives are Gooners, I'm all for it. Loads of Africans support us but they can't afford to buy a Prem club for the country like the Arabs or the Siamese, so this way they get their name on our shirt and the locals who do support us will feel extra pride when we win.

If it makes the poor Rwandan in the street (as opposed to the murderous dictator) happy then rather this than the usual betting shop or bankers. I like our African fans. The legacy of N****wo.

{Btw, have you ever been to Timbuktu? Vaguely thinking of going with a mate just cos we always liked the name.}
I'm not sure about speaking English and playing cricket but they've made laws governing, well, everything, just to create discipline. You can't smoke in public, all schoolchildren have to have their heads shaved, you can't sell second hand goods or food in the street (imagine an African town with no street trade!) Every shop or office has guards in quasi-military uniform and they all carry AK47s. The atmosphere is really quite odd. Lovely people, mind.

I haven't been to Timbuktu. That's bandit country up there. You might want to consider somewhere safer, like Damascus or Mordor.