Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
Well, to be fair, you’d hope they would be a bit terrified of it happening again, really.

Impressively, they did kill nearly a million people in the space of a few months - often using nothing more than machetes. Given that the Nazis has gas chambers and all the mechanisms of a fully industrialised state to kill their millions over the space of quite a few years, you have to take your hat off to the Hutu work ethic imo.
Well, given the enormity of the whole thing, and given that they speak of it as if it were a temporary madness which descended upon the population, you'd imagine they'd be pretty confident that they'd learnt their lesson adn wouldn't do it again. Germans don't live in a dictatorship designed specifically to stop them killing jews, do they? They sort of realised they had put up a black, as it were, and desisted.

They are the fittest people I have ever seen. The whole country is up above 7,000', it's all hills, there's no fúcking oxygen to breathe, it's 35 degrees in pissing rain pretty much all day and 5 degrees at night, and most of them are farmers, with absolutely no machinery - the rest of them walk everywhere carrying industrial loads on their heads.

It's a weird place. Nice gorillas, mind.