Quote Originally Posted by Herbert Augustus Chapman View Post
just plough ahead with driverless cars and allow them to course around at speed controlled by nothing more than software written by an old junkie like me?

I mean that car, being monitored by some kind of trailer dwelling burger fiend, was going at a fair old lick! I thought these cars were to be benign little electric jobbies that would pootle around city centres at no more than about 15mph.
Look, if people don't know any better than to wander out in front of fast-moving vehicles, then they are best removed from the gene pool imo. Doubly so if they are cyclists.

Personally, I am hugely in favour of these vehicles, since they will facilitate heavy drinking. Neck a faceful of ale, stumble into one's car and hey-ho, Johnny-robot takes you home as opposed to Johnny-illegal-immigrant or Johnny-Keen-Racist-From-Enfield. Marvellous.

Equally, awake at 6 the next morning still legless, but realising you have to get to Birmingham for a meeting. No problem. Stumble into the car half-dressed and, by the time you get there, you'll have had a kip, made yourself respectable and be ready to face whatever ghastly Midlander you have to convince to give you money.

I'm very much a fan.