Quote Originally Posted by Peter View Post
Ok, Bowie should be in there. It wasnt an exhaustive list. I mean, I didnt even get to putin Wings or the Eagles

Exile onMain Street- and I want to be very clear about this, b- is not, in any way, ****. I simply will not have that, I'm sorry.

We are not far from 'formal apology' territory here....
Well said, Peter. The bit about Exile anyway, the 70s was still packed with guitar soloing nonsense that made my ears ring.

Tumbling Dice remains one of the greatest Stones songs and without question one of the all time great guitar lines. From Sweet Virginia to Shine a Light to Ventilator Blues to...I could go no and on.

Add this to a love of the Smiths and I'm afraid I have no option but to conclude that Burney knows as much about music as he does about burgers.