Quote Originally Posted by SWv2 View Post
I think there is 2 stories to that, one being that at the time he came to the club we just did not need him as we would have had the likes of Vieira, Silva and Fabregas. The other being related to his obtaining a visa which is how he went to Belgium and then Russia prior to Barcelona. Perhaps the two are even linked.

The old man has bumbled along in this area for about a decade or so now, less perhaps.

He completely stumbled by chance on the Coquelin remedy then decided it was the future, at one point offering a contract to Flamini who turned up one summer unemployed and in need of a training facility.

Even now, Sanchez gone and the alleged links are to more sparkly fancy men, Malcom and Aubameyang, while one could suggest other areas are in need of as urgent strengthening or all out replacing.

Very interesting few months and maybe years ahead, can’t say with confidence that it will be pretty.
"Sparkly fancy men"