Quote Originally Posted by Peter View Post
It is rather difficult to impose values on someone, isnt it? Is that not one of the major issues with the whole multicultural debate, the PC agenda, the 'conspiracy of silence' over Brexit?

The issue is more 'these are our values, these are our customs, these are our laws- **** with them at your peril and expect to face the full consequences'.

I understand that you and Monty will say that the reluctance of officials to tackle these breaches is rooted in the fear of being branded racist/islamophobic/a bad person and that we need to tackle that first. I agree, but this is where you tackle that reluctance- in upholding the law.
I wholly concur, but would take issue with your distinction between the law and our culture. Our law is to a large extent a manifestation of our culture and there is little doubt that there has been and remains a politically-led reluctance to uphold it where Islamic communities are concerned. This reluctance is what has allowed things like the rape gangs and FGM to flourish. Our authorities - be it national government, the judiciary, police, education bodies or local government - have deliberately prioritised 'sensitivity' towards one ethno-religious group above the upholding of the law. In doing so, they have abandoned huge numbers of victims and in fact served to heighten ethnic tensions across the board. This policy - and there can be little doubt it has amounted to a policy - has been a disgraceful example of identity politics being allowed to trump justice, decency and the duty of a state to protect its citizens.