Quote Originally Posted by eastgermanautos View Post
It's seldom so black and white, though, is it? First of all, Tarantino's movies were produced by Miramax-Weinstein. So it's definitely having an effect. Second, there were probably other, grosser abusers at the time; and so he would have said, well, at least I'm saving her and other women I know from *that asshole. Last but not least, he probably honestly felt that he, Tarantino, could give her, his girlfriend, a better artistic career. Get through this, sweetheart, and it's all good roles from here on out. The last part is not wrong, by the way.
You're forgetting the humanity-part though; what about everybody else? After all, for every Weinstein or Tarantino Hollywood-whale who can promise, and maybe even deliver, the earth, there's an abusive supervisor of minimum-wage help in a convenience shop. What's Lalaland's, or even the Clinton's, message of solidarity to them? What example does their behaviour set? How are we supposed to impeach Donald Trump when everybody else around seems to have long conducted themselves as badly, if not even worse than him.