Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
Yes there could. And if you are one of those, fine. If you care so much about sovereignty or the wrongs of the EU that you are prepared to see the nation become poorer in exchange for leaving, then fine. You were given the choice to vote for that and you have.

But there are a lot of people who aren't as bright, who believed the *******s about having your cake and eating it etc, who didn't vote to make themselves poorer and are going to be shocked if this comes to pass.

One sister-in-law in Cornwall is lovely but not the best educated. She doesn't even understand what taxes go on, for example. She didn't realise that Cornwall was a net EU beneficiary, and when arguing with my beloved (her sister) some months back, while it's dawning on her now that things may not be the milk and honey promised, she's convinced herself that Brexit will only hurt the London economy, not Cornwall's. {This is when my babe asked her about damaging the City and all the taxes they pay, and sis-in-law asked what taxes get spent on.}

She's not a racist, has no problem with immigrants as there aren't any down there, and doesn't even know what sovereignty means or what the ECJ is.

But she was voting out.

Why? In her words "To **** the lot of them."

Her seat is a safe Tory one. This was her one chance, in her mind, to have her voice heard and she was just going to tell all of them to get screwed.

That is what the vote meant to her, and her vote counts just as much as yours and mine despite the different level of analysis behind our respective decisions.

You have to accept that there are many voters like this, and that if we get poorer, a lot poorer, they won't blame themselves for not having researched it enough. Someone will have cheated them.

As I say, all this is a hypothetical discussion predicated on the assumption that we do become noticeably poorer, which is a possibility.
No, people just need to get a job, imo.