Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
You can't have it both ways. That same UCL study was shamelessly spun by pro-immigration types like yourself to pretend that immigration offered a net economic benefit, by looking solely at high-value EU migrants and ignoring the dregs of the third world your chums mysteriously decided to admit. In fact, needless to say, those people cost us a fūcking fortune (not to mention the higher incidence of general crime, rape, acid attacks, refusal to integrate and terrorism they bring with them, of course.

Still... 'diversity' - Yay!

Oh, and by the way, you'll notice that most of southern Europe is awash with unemployed youngsters who could just as easily have been encouraged to migrate here if we needed workers. Instead, Labour decided it would be better to massively increase the numbers of non-European, non-Christian non-white people who have - inevitably - brought with them a host of other problems. Because what's 'diversity' without more brown people, eh?

I'm pretty sure you should now wexpect a knock on your door at 3 a.m. "Geheime Staatspolizei! Aufmachen!"