Quote Originally Posted by World's End Stella View Post

Given that he is speaking in the present tense, that is demonstrably not the case. Indeed, the fact that you seek to interpret it in that way is evidence of your desperation to categorise him as racist for making a fair point about the situation as it currently obtains. Thus you effectively prove the point you are trying to gainsay - namely, that people like you will dismiss as racist anyone who dares to question the status quo on immigration.

You'd feel better if I changed the statement to 'he assumes the majority of Mexicans who have recently (not sure how you want to define recently in this context) arrived in America are criminals'? You think it's that different? You think that Donald Trump has bothered to check the history of Mexican immigration and made a statement based on some undefined interval only, as opposed to a superficial judgement of the Mexican population in America in general? You think much more of him than I do, Burney.

Your next two statements are logical leaps of truly epics proportions. I'm not sure where to start pulling them apart, so I won't.