The stat on the bbc about us and Leicester using the least number of players throughout the season is very significant. Quite simply we don't have the squad to be able to make a push in the league, cups and Europe. Even more so with Poch's high energy style of football. Weren't the Southampton fans saying their team used to tail off at the end of the season as the players were ****ed, mentally and physically? - by Bongoman - 05/16/2016 10:23AM
did you see the motd commentator from our match didnt even mention the dive for the pen, if it wasnt for the fact there was an ex spurs player as a pundit i doubt they would have mentioned it at all - by .TC. - 05/16/2016 10:34AM
Well we lost 5-1 - by Dougal - 05/16/2016 10:56AM
If you're going to play as we do, you need a big squad and proper quality on the bench. I think that Pochettino's methods can work but it's going to require a fair amount of investment. He needs to be able to rotate and for that he needs squad players he can rely on. At the moment we have Son, N'Jie and Chadli who all basically do the same thing, then we have Mason, Carroll and Bentaleb who aren't really very good - by Dougal - 05/16/2016 10:29AM
You're intimating that his methods have not worked this season? nt - by NTY - 05/16/2016 10:31AM
haha, they haven't worked mate? it was a piss weak league that offered us a once in a lifetime opportunity and we limp into third and we had to chuck all three cups to do that? - by Balham - 05/16/2016 10:35AM
Well we disagree then. I'd have taken 3rd at the off. I'd have probably laughed at you if you offered it, but I'd have taken it. You can paint the doomsday picture however which way you want. We choked up 2nd place and fell to 3rd. It's not like choking up 4th and coming 5th. nt - by NTY - 05/16/2016 10:38AM
leicester won the league mate. we limped into the season's end behind them and the vermin we'd spent the season taunting. those are facts, not painting anything. expectations change as the season pans out. if united and chelsea are out of the top 4 then of course we ought to finish up there. - by Balham - 05/16/2016 10:49AM
Everyone would have taken 3rd at the beginning of the season. It's as simple as that. - by Glassy - 05/16/2016 10:46AM
Yes of course. That doesnt mean we cant adjust our ambitions as the season progresses though? - by MarkP - 05/16/2016 10:47AM
But that also doesn't mean its justified to go absolutely ****ing mental when those ambitions aren't met - by JonnieB - 05/16/2016 10:54AM
You're wrong. We just got hammered by a relegated side 5-1, who were reduced to 10 men for the final 30mins. The consequences of that defeat meant we finished below Arse*al for the 21st season running after being above them for some 3 months or so. How the **** do you expect people to just shrug their shoulders and go 'oh well, nevermind' given the majority of us are now subjected to the relentless mocking and pisstaking from friends and colleagues? It's a ****ing embarresment. (nt) - by MisterT - 05/16/2016 10:58AM
It's ****ing rubbish but it doesn't mean that everything is a complete disaster and we should take to sackcloth and ashes - by JonnieB thinks we're a pretty good football club - 05/16/2016 11:01AM
Im not sure I've gone mental about it? Im very disappointed how we have finished on a very damp squib but my concern now is how we remedy our shortcomings? - by MarkP - 05/16/2016 10:57AM
I didn't mean you - by JonnieB means Dougal - 05/16/2016 11:00AM
I just wanted to finish above Arsenal - by Dougal - 05/16/2016 11:19AM
They worked very well until they didn't. Then the wheels fell off. - by MFV - 05/16/2016 10:34AM
Won nothing, bottled key matches, end of season collapse. Only thing he's done different is qualify for the CL, and we've both agreed this is a weak league - it's not a ringing endorsment in my opinion. (nt) - by MisterT - 05/16/2016 10:34AM
was definitely worth throwing the cups for anyway. - by Balham thinks either domestic cup was absolutely winnable for us this season and would have taken that and finishing lower than 3rd all day every day - 05/16/2016 10:28AM
We got more points than anyone else in the league in the 2nd half of the season. This 'tails off' thing is a bit of a red herring IMO. We smashed United and Stoke out of sight and then had plenty of rest. We just lost out on the title and the players lost focus for the last 2 games. nt - by NTY - 05/16/2016 10:25AM
I remember teams saying we were like animals and that we were the toughest team they played...yet the way we played against West Brom, Southampton and Newcastle, it seemed like I was watching Spurs of old. We just looked lethargic and I think mentally, they were shot. We needed to be able to mix it up during the season and bring others into the team for the cups and Europa league. As T said, when Kane is off his game, the team don't respond. Kane has played so much this season, its hardly surprising that he couldn't perform in the last few games. - by Bongoman - 05/16/2016 10:32AM
Agree there. Although I think it was more to do with losing Dembele than anything else. Mentality certainly. They were shot, perhaps understandably. nt - by NTY - 05/16/2016 10:40AM
we drew a third of our games mate. 16 points from the final 11 games. demonstrably his methods of training don't work with the squad he has. without huge investment and proper rotation it still won't work. - by Balham - 05/16/2016 10:30AM
We had a poor start too. What did we get from our first 11 games? I'm not suggesting that this season has been 'sensational' because we've performed meekly in the cups and fell short on a title bid that was winnable. However we've achieved a top 4 finish which was from most sane observers not on the cards last August. His methods have worked. Spurs have improved in points and league position and performance. We now must improve again. He's had what, one full season with a 'proper' squad? nt - by NTY - 05/16/2016 10:34AM
It's been an ok season. He is an ok manager, nothing more. I'd give him another year on the proviso that we spend a ****ing fortune and do so in plenty of time for pre season. Anything else and it is the same again. As it is year in year out, the small man has a huge summer ahead of him. - by Balham - 05/16/2016 10:38AM
I think you are wrong on Poch. He'll be the first manager Levy has appointed that will leave us for something better. nt - by NTY - 05/16/2016 10:43AM
What about the final third of the season? (nt) - by MisterT - 05/16/2016 10:28AM
8th in the form table on our last 10 games. (nt) - by MisterT answering for you - 05/16/2016 10:32AM
But 1st if you add in the 9 games before that? We ****ed up the last 4 games. I think as Poch said it was more to do with mentality than fitness or tactics or ability. nt - by NTY - 05/16/2016 10:35AM
We went mental when Redknapp threw away a 10 point lead on Arse*al, we threw away a 7 point lead (8 if you include the superior goal difference) under Poch. For all the positivity talked about mid-season today feels like deja-vu. (nt) - by MisterT - 05/16/2016 10:38AM
Yes I agree there. The only difference is that under HR we lost the bragging rights and the prize. Under Poch we'd already secured the prize and just lost the bragging rights. nt - by NTY - 05/16/2016 10:44AM
lost focus in the chelsea and west brom game - by jimmy hotspur - 05/16/2016 10:27AM
Agree. In different ways, but agree. V WBA we battered them and started showboating a bit and got punished. Chelsea we had beaten them and the game was won and we got caught up in thier games and fell right into the trap. It's naive stuff. The folly of youth. Also, if I'm ultra critical Hugo as captain is not ideal. Cant really take it off him either. nt - by NTY - 05/16/2016 10:29AM
i really cant see anyone else who can do the job as captain. none of them seem to have the personality. - by jimmy hotspur - 05/16/2016 10:31AM
I think Harry has but he doesn't need the extra grief. Maybe Alds? Maybe Dier? One shout from left field might be Rose. He's been Spurs for a long time and I suspect (dont know for sure) that he has a strong will to win. nt - by NTY - 05/16/2016 10:46AM