It was a truly bizarre experience. There must have been some hundreds of people desperate to share with me, and other viewers, how rubbing we are as a team, how our players are c**ts to a man, and how stupid our amateur is. Indeed,without context one would have imagined that one was seeing the fall out from an awful side losing their 13th game I a row.

My point isn't so much that Arsenal supporters are generally obnoxious spoils brats; we can take that as a given. It's more to wonder whether people in general have always been ignorant fools, and social media has simply given them a platform upon which to express their foolishness, or whether social media has, I'm some way, turned ordinary people into ranting cretins.

Opinions like, 'Flamini's having a poor game' now seem utterly redundant. A player having a poor game is now a 'c**t' upon whom one wishes a career-threatening injury. Where will it all end?