Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
Good man, C. The uniforms are tops, aren't they? And lovely people there. I only get an auto-rickshaw from Main Bazaar so we're not allowed to drive from the road to the entrance inside the gardens. I have to walk. But despite turning up on foot, with a skinhead and culottes and a grotty tee-shirt, they always salute me and treat me like a gent. As I say, lovely people.

I like to take a stroll down to India Gate at dusk and watch the enormous bats going to roost.

Also, I rather enjoy the classical music playing under the water pool

Once coming back through Delhi the Imperial was fully booked and I had to spend a night at the Taj Mahal, much to my annoyance. However, my mood was improved no end when I learnt that the Taj contains the finest chinese restaurant in India with the glorious name, 'Hose of Ming'