Quote Originally Posted by pjlincs View Post
Yes, it worked well, Fash and I deserve a lot of credit for the goal.

Half expected Saka to be hoicked at half time and be replaced by Jesus.

Ironic that Saka's pen was a beaut and the guy who had him in his pocket all night had his saved with the rebound not going his way either.
That rebound was a stroke of good fortune.

We've a mate in India, Monu, now 30, who we've known since he was 14 and we helped him with the deposit for an electric rickshaw. He was living on the streets of Delhi since he was really young.

He sent the same Ganpati sticker on his rickshaw for our new {2011 Fiesta} car.

Just as extra time ended, the glw asked if I could help her find her glasses. I couldn't, but when looking I found a gorgeous Ganpati statue he sent us with the stickers. I suddenly thought that if I picked it up and used it to touch Raya and the Arsenal pelanty takers on the laptop screen, then our love for each other and Ganpati would mean He would remove all obstacles to our victory and would bless us with Good Luck.

That rebound hitting Raya's head and going wide showed Ganpati's luck was with us - like your and Fash's reverse jinxing.