Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
It is rather ironic you two looking for some word to take offence over, like the wokes do.

I mean, you wouldn't claim that burden in the following sentence was pejorative:

"At free parties, the burden of lugging the speakers and amp racks up the stairs fell on those who didn't have the musical talent to DJ."

A burden can just be a responsibility. Personally, I don't find anything controversial in the claim "women more likely to be responsible for provision of unpaid child care."

But then, I'm not the sort of fückwit who goes out of his way to take offence at perfectly normal terms simply to signal which side of the culture war I'm on, so what would I know, eh?
I'm not offended, honestly. I just think it's revealing that you would never see the corollary point made that the "burden of work is still falling primarily on men", even though this would arguably be a far more fitting use of the word, for many reasons.

The use of the term "burden" is far more relevant here than in your example, not least because lugging speakers and amp racks up the stairs signals a lower status than being a DJ in a way that looking after kids rather than working should not, and yet does.