Quote Originally Posted by Tony C View Post

I heard them goo ks used microwaves to burn up your boys on the border.

Yer right, TC. The swine had also used clubs to murder us when the deal was no arms. And this is what they have in store for the rest of us in the west. Napoleon said that when China wakes up, the world will tremble. And he's right.

The west is divided, and we will fall as such. The lefties don't want us playing imperialists meaning China fills the void, doing what we did in the C19th - bribing local rulers to let us rob them blind in return for propping them up. We stopped because we knew this was bad, but it just means the Chînks do it instead.

They are an evil, Godless race who are, in many ways, worse than the Nazis. They're just doing it slower and more intelligently with better long term planning.

But we in the west don't care because we'd rather pull down statues of C18th slave traders rather than stop Chinese slavery in the C21st.

I wish the Septics had nuked the fück out of them in 1951, when they invaded Tibet.