Why do we have this thing about it being taboo to watch it? I see Amazon did some "funny" marketing using this angle at Finsbury Park.
I watch lots of things about subjects that I don't "like". It's like saying we can't watch any movies about Hitler and World War 2 as otherwise we must secretly like him.

I watched all 3 episodes as soon as they were released, I thought it was interesting. I was surprised that Pochettino was gone halfway through episode one, I was quite looking forward to see how that unravelled in real time but it was very much glossed over.

I agree regarding Jose, its like the director was able to cast Robert De Niro halfway through filming. I know what you mean about Levy but I also see that he looks massively out of his depth running the organisation. All a little bit awkward and uncomfortable with those around him and them with him. I guess he isn't used to having a camera in his face in the same way Jose is, but if you hadn't told me he was the CEO of the club I would have assumed he was just one of the support team from watching it.