Quote Originally Posted by Sir C View Post
I don't understand why everyone seems so revolted by 'neo-Nazis', whilst Socialists can merrily wave red flags and sing the Internazionale without anyone mentioning the pesky detail of 100 million victims.
C, you're one of the few right-wingers here who've actually got a brain.

But if I really have to spell it out:

There has only been one soi disant Nazi regime in history. And pretty much everyone agrees that they weren't the most civilised of chaps.

Socialism is a much broader church. {Now let's ignore that most of the really bad lefties called themselves commies, not socialists, in the same way nazis are a sub-set of fascists who are a sub-set of right-wingers.}

Many of the left-of-centre parties in the EU claim to be socialists, but are basically centrists compared to Stalin.

The 1945-51 govt here claimed to be socialists. And:
1. The country they built was accepted and protected by those evil lefties that came after them; WSC, Eden and SuperMac.
2. They were brought down by the left of their own (democratically elected) party. Bevan over prescription charges.

The '64-70 likewise.
1. None of Heath, Maggie et al undid divorce, abortion or rights for poofs.
2. Again, that democratically-elected, soi disant socialist govt - whose progressive policies were accepted by the the following Tory govts - were undone by the hard left. The Unions rejected Barbara Castle's "In Place Of Strife" union reforms.

If you can't see the difference between Adolf and Atlee/Wilson, you haven't really thought this through.

Some "socialists" have killed more one their own than the Nazis.
Some "socialists" were democratically elected and introduced rights we now all, proper Tories included, accept.
All Nazi regimes (i.e. the only one) were a little beyond the pale.

Just cos I like footy, doesn't mean I agree with Harry Kane's right to live, does it?

Despite hating Tories, I think One Nation Conservatism has been a positive force in the history of our isles.

While the hard right of the Tory party are inherently evil and should all be gassed.

The left - "Socialism" in your terms - is but a mirror image.