Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
Oh, I agree.

In a civilised environment.

But trying to annex India when we're close to independence isn't civilised. They would have been beastly to the Mahatma, wouldn't play cricket and wouldn't have allowed Congress to build a system based on British parliamentary democracy.

Likewise, bombing Highbury isn't civilised.

This is why fascists - real fascists with tanks and bombs and death camps and stuff - need a good kicking. Not tinpot wannabes like Farrage or Trump.

Obv, I use the term fascist to include tankies. They also need a good kicking. All of them would have executed me for simply being me so fück the lot of them.
I think you underestimate Trump and Farage. They're not the same as fascism, because they have emerged during a period relative financial security. Bu they can still get up to a lot of mischief. My old German professor would say that they're comparable to the populists on the 1890s in Europe. They lay the groundwork for what comes after. They plant the seed. And they're pretty sh!tty in their own right. Albeit witty at times.