Quote Originally Posted by Sir C View Post
Surely you remember the metal detectors, the scanners, the armed guards, the close-questioning, the racial profiling? Getting into Notre Dame with a book of matches is just as hard as entering the flight deck of a 787 carrying an AK47, you know.
You don't need matches. They have loads of candles to light. But how are you going to get into the loft from a crowded hurch full of tourists where alll the front bit is fenced off? You can sit on a pew in front on the fence, or go down the sides where all the little nooks with saints and candles are. But you can't clamber over a fence, have a root round the back trying to find how you get up to the loft, get upstairs etc etc with no-one seeing.

More planes full of tourists have been kidnapped in my lifetime than major, guarded cathedrals full of toursists have been toarched. Fact.

There is no way someone queued up, went past security and got into the loft at 7pm. Not a chance.