Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
Actually, if you keep going in one direction you end up back where you started {in space, but not in time, obv.}

You're right about God, though. Various different elements from myriad different dying stars form into complex molecules here and start self-replicating. That's weird enough. But even if we then have unicellular lifeforms in the sea, the idea that we just end up with our level of consciousness simply by accident is patently nonsense.

'Course Shiva set it all up. Our consciousness is just Shiva opening His third eye as a means of understanding Himself. Otherwise you could break into a school science Lab on a Friday night, mix up a few chemicals and leave them over a low bunsen, and you'd have weird talking amoebae by Monday morning.
You realise that the worship of these false idols makes Jesus sad, don't you?