Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
But then how do you explain the fact that Buddhists, Sadhus, drugged up crusties, druids on mushrooms etc all get to the same planes?

If it's just the drugs, explain the Buddhists?

Just just make it easier to access - as 4.5k years of Hindu sadhus will tell you. But they don't create those states, otherwise Buddhists monks wouldn't get there. They are just a short cut to opening the door.
They all get to the same ‘plane’ for the same reason most people agree that the sky is blue and that salt tastes salty - because we’re all wired up pretty much the same and have similar chemical responses to particular stimuli - regardless of whether the trigger for that stimulus comes in the form of days of fasting and meditation or a tab of acid.
There’s nothing mystical or spiritual about that.