Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
No. You can call youself what you like. That's your right as a Brit. However, you can't tell me how I have to see you. That is my right as a Brit.

And while it is your right to cut your cock off, it's not your right to shut down debate on science that doesn't support your obsession. Nor should it be your right to put ideas into impressionable adolescent heads that could do lasting damage any more than it's your right to groom teens for Isis or sex gangs.
I have heard that children are being encouraged to to start altering their bodies? Is this true or is it scurrilous scare-mongering?

If true, possible rafts of lawsuits and mountains of taxpayer compensation in the future if youths are encouraged to do this and then change their minds.