Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
But both Delia and the Beeb have online recipes. I know they don't have videos but you know, some people can still read and write.

Also, there are some great recipes in French. They can cook, you know, the frogs. Try oeufs en meurette but with little crutons with foie gras.

I'm cooking for us both tonight. The old classic. Tournedos fillets with roquefort sauce + gratin dauphinoise with balsmaic caramelised onions. And for a change, some garlic mushrooms too, cos I fancy some.

Bought a fresh baguette simply so I can dip it in the roquefort sauce as I cook it. Just to make sure the sauce is coming on fine, you understand. Not cos I'm a vulgar glutton that could quite happily live on fresh baguette dipped into various french cheese sauces. {My mate's fondue last month was as good as any I've had.}
The Beeb doesn't give you sexy Vietnamese girls teaching you to make banh mi.

Plus, how very, very dare you! My oeufs en meurette are famous from here to Foots Cray and beyond! The secret is the quality of the wine. Only a heavy Burgundy will do.