Quote Originally Posted by Burney View Post
'Doubtless' here meaning 'not', I assume? Because that bit of whataboutery simply doesn't work. The House of Lords is wholly unfit for purpose, being packed to the rafters by patronage appointees from the political mainstream.

Also, it may have escaped your attention, h, but there are few Brexiteers with a good word to say about the passionately Europhile House of Lords.
But despite being a bunch of appointees, it actually does a rather good job of tidying up rushed HoC legislation in the Cttee stage and also contains a far wider area of expertise than the average HoC.

Obviously no-one in their right mind wouldn't design a 2nd chamber like this, but to claim it's not fit for purpose is wrong. It hasn't delayed anything for decades but has made a huge number of positive ammendments to HoC legislation.

I doubt a neutral observer, looking at the last 3 months, would choose the HoL if the question was "Which house is the most dysfunctional?"