Quote Originally Posted by Ganpati's Goonerz--AFC's Aboriginal Fertility Cult View Post
Where did I say I want to be ruled by giant corporations? One of the things I like most about the EU is the fact that they are prepared to break up monopolies and fine companies that transgress.
When you said you were a globalist. One follows the other like night follows day. Globalism is a paradise for predatory capital, seeking the lowest costs anywhere in the world. For workers, this means a race for the bottom, where the person that will do the job for the lowest wage, for the longest hours, and in the worst conditions .... "wins".

But yes, I would rather be ruled by accountable technocrats that the semi-literate self-serving ****wits that make up much of our political class. Would you rather the country was run by the front bench of either main party or our top civil servants?
Civil servants, aka the permanent government, cannot be accountable unless you elect them. I'd like to see both parties blown up (not literally) and replaced by parties representing the new divide - globalist technocracy v democratic sovereignty.